Choral Evensong, Wednesday, 29th September 2010 -- Michaelmas

Responses:  Ellis
Psalm:  138  Chant:  Forster in Bb (premiere)
Hymn: NEH 190 Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels  Tune NEH 220 ii
Canticles:  Harwood in Ab
Anthem:  Jubilate in C - Britten

This service is the last before the departure of Juhn Forster, Organ Scholar, to Braesnose College Oxford.  John has selected the music and written the chant for the psalm.
The choir will be conducted by Trinity's Director of Music Ian Wells and accompanied by  Prof. Ian Tracey


Communion Service to Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Ordination of Canon Norman Carter

there will be a Service of Celebration & Thanksgiving
to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Ordination of

Canon Norman Carter.

Communion Setting;  'The Mass of the Quiet Hour' - George Oldroyd

Hymns:  Ye Holy Angels Bright
              We have a gospel to proclaim
              O praise te the Lord
              Lord, for the years

Anthems:  How lovely are thy dwellings (Brahms)
                Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour (Words of St Thomas Aquinas)

Voluntary:  The Tuba Tune - C S Lang


Trinity Concert 10th October 2010

On Sunday, 10th October at 7pm in Church (Holy Trinity, Southport), the Church & Chapel Choirs will present this year's concert. 
The title Sing for Joy reflects the emotion we feel in performing the music we do here and we hope you will join in some of it with us. There will be a wide range of music and more details will be available nearer the time, but we can tell you that we shall be joined by Kirsteen Rogers, Soprano and Stuart Keen, Tenor. Professor Ian Tracey will again accompany us at the organ. 
It promises to be a quite splendid occasion. 
The Mayor of Sefton and her consort and the MP for Southport, Dr John Pugh, and his wife will be joining us for some really fine music and a lot of fun. 
Tickets are on sale in the Parish Centre this morning at £9 and £8 for concessions; these will include a glass of wine and some light refreshment. (or phone June & Bob Ball on 01704 568001) 
Proceeds are for Choir funds - primarily to support next year's singing week at Peterborough Cathedral.