Specification of New Makin 4-74 Westmorland Custom Organ

The new organ was dedicatied by the Bishop of Warrington Rt. Rev. Richard Blackburn on Sunday 7th November 2010. The specification is below:-
PEDAL                                                          GREAT
Double Open Wood***     32'                           Double Open Diapason      16'
Open Wood                   16'                           Open Diapason I                 8'
Open Diapason              16'                            Open Diapason II                8'
Bourdon                        16'                           Claribel Flute                      8'
Gamba (Swell)              16'                            Principal                             4'
Principal                         8'                           Harmonic Flute                   4'
Bass Flute                       8'                           Twelfth                               2 2/3'
Fifteenth                        4'                           Fifteenth                            2'
Mixture (     IV                            Full Mixture (   IV
Contra Posaune***          32'                           Sharp Mixture (26.29.33)     III
Ophicliede                     16'                          Double Trumpet                 16'
Fagotto (Swell)              16'                          Trumpet                             8'
Posaune                          8'                          Clarion                              4'
Solo to Pedal*                                              Solo to Great**
Swell to Pedal*                                            Swell to Great*
Great to Pedal**                                          Choir to Great*
Choir to Pedal*                                            West on Great*
Great & Pedal Combinations Coupled
Swell on General Toe Studs

CHOIR (enclosed)                                        SWELL (enclosed)
Lieblich Gedackt              8'                          Open Diapason                 8'
Voix Celestes (II)             8'                           Stopped Diapason             8'
Lieblich Flute                   4'                          Salicional                         8'
Nazard                            2 2/3'                    Vox Angelica                     8'
Flageolet                        2'                           Principal                           4'
Tierce                            1 3/5'                     Fifteenth                          2'
Larigot                           1 1/3'                     Sesquialtera (12.15.17)     III
Sifflote                           1'                          Mixture (       IV
Mixture (29.33.36)          III                           Oboe                                8
Corno di Bassetto            8'                          Vox Humana                     8'
Tremulant                                                   Tremulant
Trompette Harmonique    8'                          Contra Fagotto                 16'
Octave                                                        Cornopean                        8'
Solo to Choir*                                              Clarion                             4'
Swell to Choir*                                            Octave
West on Choir*                                            Sub Octave
West enclosed in Choir Box                          Solo to Swell*
Great Reeds on Choir

SOLO (enclosed)                                        ACCESSORIES
Quintaton                       16'                       8 Thumb pistons to So, Sw, Gt, Ch & We
Harmonic Flute               8'                         8 General thumb pistons
Viola                              8'                        8 Toe pistons to Pedal
Viola Celeste                  8'                        8 Toe pistons duplicating General thumb pistons
Concert Flute                  4'                       *Reversible thumb pistons
Piccolo                           2'                        **Reversible thumb and toe pistons
Cor Anglais                    16'                      ***Reversible toe pistons
Orchestral Clarinet          8'
Orchestral Oboe              8'                      Thumb piston "Setter" with lock
Tremulant                                               Thumb piston "General cancel"
French Horn                    8'
Tuba Mirabillis                8'                      Balanced swell pedal to Solo
Octave                                                    Balanced swell pedal to Choir
                                                              Balanced swell pedal to Swell
Sub Bass                       32'                     250 Individual levels of piston memory with Div-
Open Diapason              16'                     isional and General piston on split memories
Sub Bass                       16'
Trombone                     16'                     Manual compass CC-c, 61 notes
                                                             Pedal compass CCC-g, 32 notes
Bourdon                       16'                      Additional information
Open Diapason               8'                      28 Channels of amplification
Hohl Flute                      8'                      Built in Midi-sequencer
Principal                        4'
Wald Flute                     4'
Fifteenth                       2'
Mixture (   IV
Cornet (    V
Trompette Militaire        8'


Music for Service of Lessons and Carols Sunday 19th December 6.00pm

Processional Carol - Once in royal David’s city NEH 34 (solo v1 choir v2)
Choir – Adam lay ybounden – Boris Ord
Choir – A tender shoot – Otto Goldschmidt
Congregational Carol – Away in a manger NEH 22
Choir – Up good christen folk and listen – Trad. Arr. Woodward
Choir – In the Bleak Midwinter – Harold Darke
Congregational Carol – O little town of Bethlehem NEH 32(omit v4)
Choir – In dulci Jubilo – Arr. Malcolm Archer
Choir – Little baby born at dark midnight – Trad. Arr. John Bertalot
Congregational Carol – Unto us a boy is born! NEH 39
Choir – On this day, earth shall ring – Trad. Swedish – H. C. Stewart
Offertory Carol - Of the Father’s heart begotten NEH 33 v 1,2,4,5&7
Choir – Small wonder the star – Paul Edwards
Organ Voluntary – Festival Toccata – Percy Fletcher


Music for 19th, 24th and 25th December


Setting: Darke in Am
Creed: Merbecke
Motets:  A tender shoot - O. Goldschmidt
              Ding dong merrily on high – Trad arr. C. Wood
              I sing of a maiden – L. Berkeley
Voluntary: Thema met variaties – H. Andriessen

Setting: Darke in F
Gloria: Shepherd
Motets:  In the Bleak Midwinter – H. Darke
             Little baby born at dark midnight – trad. Arr. J. Bertalot
             Silent Night – F. Gruber
Voluntary: In dulci jubilo BWV 729 - J. S. Bach

Setting: Rawsthorne in F
Gloria: Shepherd
Motets:  In dulci jubilo – trad. Arr. M. Archer
             On this day, earth shall ring – trad. Swedish – H. C. Stewart
Voluntary: Der Tag der ist so Freudenreich BWV 605 – J. S. Bach
                  (O hail this brightest day of days)


Carols and Mincepies 17th December

‘CAROLS AND MINCEPIES’ is on Friday 17th December at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre. Come along and enjoy a feast of Christmas music and readings by the choir and ladies of the Chapel Choir and join in some of the best known traditional carols, all in aid of Choir Funds. Tickets priced £4 for adults and £2 for children, are available from Sue Palmer and Ian Wells.


Music for Services on 5th and 8th December

Sunday 5th December Family Eucharist 10.15am
Setting: Shepherd ‘Addington’ Service
Motets: This is the truth sent from above – English trad. arr. RVW
               Long ago, prophets knew – Piae Contiones arr. M. Archer
Voluntary: Postlude in D – Healey -Willan

Wednesday 8th December Choral Evensong 7.15pm
Responses: Clucas
Psalm: 42
Office Hymn: NEH 15
Canticles: Ireland in F
Anthem: The Angel Gabriel – trad. Basque - arr. M. Archer


Holy Trinity Choir at Wells Cathedral Summer 2010

Holy Trinity Choir has very fond memories of our residency at
Wells Cathedral
for a week during the Summer of 2010.

This is the music we sang:-

Monday, 26th July Evensong 5.15 pm
Responses Reading
Psalm 119 vv 145 - 160
Canticles Harris in A minor
Anthem God be in my head - N Rawsthorne

Tuesday, 27th July Evensong 5.15 pm
Responses Reading
Psalms 126 & 127
Canticles Wood in Eb
Anthem O Thou the central orb - C Wood

Wednesday, 28th July Evensong 5.15 pm
Responses Neary
Psalms 137 & 138
Canticles Walmisley in D minor
Anthem Blest are the pure in heart - M Archer

Thursday, 29th July Silent

Friday, 30th July Evensong 5.15 pm

Responses Neary
Psalms 147 & 148
Canticles Noble in B minor
Anthem Thy perfect love - S Butonwood

Saturday, 31st July Evensong 5.15 pm
Responses Neary
Psalms 149 & 150
Canticles Stanford in C
Anthem Give us the wings of faith - E Bullock
Voluntary Toccata - Hovland

Sunday, 1st August Sung Eucharist 9.45 am
Setting Darke in A minor
Psalm 107 vv 1 - 9
Anthem I am the true vine - P Aston

Sung Matins 11.30 am
Responses Ellis
Psalm 1
Canticles Britten Jubilate Deo
               Stanford Te Deum in Bb
Anthem Expectans Expectavi - C Wood

Evensong 3.00 pm
Responses Ellis
Psalm 8
Canticles Higginson in G
Anthem Thou wilt keep him - H Sumsion
Voluntary Grande Choeur Dialogue - E Gigout

We're now looking forward to
Peterborough Cathedral
in 2011


Holy Trinity Choir at Liverpool Cathedral

Tracks recorded during an Evensong that Holy Trinity Choir sang at Liverpool Cathedral on Saturday, 20th November 2010


Music for Services on 28th November and 1st December

Setting: Martin Shaw Modal Setting
Creed: Merbecke
Motets: Rejoice in the Lord always – J. Redford
              Now come, O Saviour of the Gentiles – Harm. J. S. Bach – adapted D.W.
Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in C minor BWV 549 – J. S. Bach


Responses: Clucas
Psalm: 6
Office Hymn: 1
Canticles: Sumsion in A
Anthem: Long ago,  prophets knew – Piae Contiones arr. M Archer


Music for Advent Carol Service 6.00pm Sunday 28th November

Matin Responsory - G.P. da Palestrina
Come thou Redeemer of the earth  - Words: St Ambrose Tune: Veni Redemptor
This is the truth sent from above - English trad. arr. RVW
A tender Shoot - Otto Goldschmidt
I sing of a maiden - Lennox Berkeley
Let all mortal flesh keep silence - French trad. arr. Stephen Cleobury
Chorale Prelude - Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland BWV 599 - J. S. Bach
Chorale - Wachet auf! Ruft uns die stimme - harm. J. S. Bach
O Lorde the maker of al thinge - Words: King Henry VIII Music: John Joubert
Voluntary - Prelude in Cm 'The Great' BWV 546 - J. S. Bach

Come thou long expected Jesus Tune: Cross of Jesus
The Advent of our God Tune: Franconia
O Glorious Maid Tune: Gonfalon Royal
O Come, O Come Emmanuel Tune: Veni Emmanuel
Lo, He comes with clouds descending Tune: Helmsley


Music for Services on 21st and 24th November

21st NOVEMBER Parish Eucharist for Christ the King 10.15am

Setting: Darke in F
Entrance Motet: God is gone up – A. Hutchings
Motets: O taste and see – R. Vaughan Williams
             Lift up your heads, O ye gates – W. Mathias
Voluntary: Toccata Primi Toni – E. T. Sark

24th NOVEMBER Choral Evensong 7.15pm
Responses: Neary
Psalm: 119 vv 1-8
Office Hymn: NEH 252
Canticles: Stanford in Bb
Anthem: Blest are the pure in heart – M. Archer


Music for services on 14th and 17th November

14th November Parish Eucharist and Remembrance 10.15am
Setting: Noble in A
Motets: O quam gloriosum – J. Vaet
(O how glorious is the kingdom, where all the saints rejoice in Christ.
Dressed in white robes, they follow the lamb wherever he goes. Alleluia)
To the Fallen – D. Guest
So they gave their bodies – P. Aston
Voluntary: England’s Glory – N. Ogden

17th November Choral Evensong 7.15pm
Responses: Ellis
Psalm: 89 (vv1-12)
Office Hymn: NEH 353
Canticles: Higginson in G
Anthem: Lift up your heads, O ye gates – W. Mathias


Music for 7th and 10th November

7th November Parish Eucharist and Confirmation 10.15am
Setting:           Ireland in C
Motets:           Ubi Caritas - M. Durufle
                       (Where charity and love are, there is God)
                       A Gaelic Blessing - J. Rutter
Voluntary:       Grand Choeur (Douze Pieces) - T. Dubois

We are pleased to welcome the Bishop of Warrington for this Confirmation service. He will also dedicate the new organ at the end of the service.

10th November Choral Evensong 7.15pm
Responses:     Neary
Psalm:             53
Office Hymn:   NEH 248 (2nd Tune)
Canticles:        Walmisley in Dm
Anthem:          So they gave their bodies - P. Aston


Another review of the Choir CD and DVD

From Colin Brownlee in Wallsend

Just a quick note to say the CD and DVD arrive safely. Most impressed with the care someone had taken over the DVD – it was most enjoyable. As to the CD, congratulations on such a fine choir and it was a real joy to hear them.


Indepentent review of Choir CD

From David Shephard of Wootton Bassett

Holy Trinity Church Choir, Southport
Wells Cathedral Tour 2010

DoM Ian Wells

The choir sang services over 7 days at Wells back in July. There are 12 tracks on the CD, the first and last being organ voluntaries (the first being the rather nice `Gabriel's Oboe' from the soundtrack of the film The Mission), which together take up 10 minutes of the 42 minutes running time, leaving 10 tracks by the choir.

Gabriel's Oboe– Morricone
Give us the wings of faith – Bullock
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace – Sumsion
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in A minor-Harris
Jubilate Deo in C– Britten
God be in my head – Rawsthorne
Blest are the pure in heart – Archer
Nunc dimittis in E flat – Wood
Psalms 126, 127 – Garret, Atkins
O Thou the central orb – Wood
Toccata from 5th Symphony - Widor

Bullock's Give us the wings of faith was sung at the Evensong that I attended, which I left with a very positive impression of this choir, and the rest of the CD does not disappoint. If you want evidence of the quality to be found amongst our remaining parish church choirs, then this recording provides it; this is a serious outfit. And for only £5 plus postage, you can't go wrong.


Holy Trinity Church Choir, Southport, Liverpool Echo Carol Concert 10th December 2010

The choir are again taking part in the Liverpool Echo Carol Concert at Liverpool Cathedral on FRIDAY 10th DECEMBER at 7.30pm. The choir will sing two solo spots as well as joining with the choirs of St Mary, West Derby, St Anne, Stanley, St John, Walton and the Liverpool Youth Choir to sing the winning entries in this year’s Liverpool Echo Carol Competition, and to lead the audience in some of the best known traditional Christmas carols. Ian Tracey will be on the organ. Ian Wells will be conducting the mass choir items and the audience carols. The Narrator will be Joe Riley.


Holy Trinity Church Choir, Southport at Liverpool Cathedral 20th November 2010

The choir will be singing Choral Evensong at Liverpool Cathedral on the eve of Christ the King, SATURDAY 20th NOVEMBER at 3.00pm. Everyone is most welcome to attend and your support will be greatly appreciated. The music will be:-

Introit:          Blest are the pure in heart - M. Archer
Responses:  Ellis
Psalm:          100
Canticles:     Higginson in G
Anthem:        Lift up your heads, O ye gates - W. Mathias


Music for 24th and 31st October and 3rd November

SUNDAY 24th OCTOBER 2010 10.15am Parish Eucharist

Setting: Shephard ‘Addington Service’

Motet: If ye love me - T. Tallis

Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in D BuxWV 139 – D. Buxtehude

WEDNESDAY 27th OCTOBER 2019 7.15pm


SUNDAY 31st OCTOBER 2010 10.15am Parish Eucharist

Setting: Sumsion in F

Motets: Give us the wings of faith – E. Bullock
              O be joyful – B. Britten

Voluntary: Toccata - H. Andriessen

We are very pleased that Organist Emeritus David Williams will be joining us to accompany the motets and play the final voluntary at today's service.

WEDNESDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 2010 7.15pm Choral Evensong

Responses: Neary

Psalm: 18 (vv1-6)

Office Hymn: 224

Canticles: Noble in Bm

Anthem: Give us the wings of faith – E. Bullock


Music for services on 17th and 20th October 2010

SUNDAY 17th OCTOBER 10.15am Parish Eucharist

Setting: Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena - Healey-Willan

Motets: Verily, verily I say unto you - T. Tallis
             Blest are the pure in heart - M. Archer
Voluntary: Toccata in Seven - J. Rutter

WEDNESDAY 20th OCTOBER 7.15pm Choral Evensong

Responses: Reading

Psalm: 104

Office Hymn: NEH 246 (Tune 367 2nd)

Canticles: Stanford in C

Anthem: Evening Hymn - H. B. Gardner


Music for services on the 10th and 13th October

SUNDAY 10th OCTOBER 2010 10.15am Parish Eucharist

Setting: Rawsthorne in F

Motets: Exsultate Deo - G. P. da Palestrina
              (Rejoice in God our helper, sing aloud to the God of Jacob.
              Take the psalm and bring hither the timbrel: the merry harp with the lute.
              Blow the trumpet in the new moon, even on our solemn feast day).

               Locus iste a Deo factus est – A. Bruckner
               (This place was made by God)

Voluntary: Pasticcio (Organ Book 1956) – J. Langlais

WEDNESDAY 13th OCTOBER 2010 7.15pm Choral Evensong

Responses: Reading

Psalm: 70

Office Hymn: 357

Canticles: Wood in D

Anthem: O thou the central orb – C. Wood


Programme for the Trinity Concert - Sing for Joy

7pm Sunday, 10th October 2010

1. Organ - Grand Choeur Dialogue – E Gigout
2. Hymn - All people that on earth do dwell   - Old 100th arr R Vaughan Williams
3. I was Glad - C H H Parry
4. Sound the trumpet – Purcell
5. King of all ages, throned on high – P Isom
6. My heart ever faithful – J S Bach
7. The Lost Chord - A Sullivan
8. The Baritones - Offenbach et al
9. Simple Gifts – Trad. Shaker tune.
10. Nunc Dimittis - Stanford in Bb
11. O Be Joyful – N Rawsthorne


1. Te Deum in Bb - C V Stanford
2. The Kindly Voice of Mother Nature - Mozart
3. Exsultate Deo – Palestrina
4. The Holy City - S Adams
5. Say goodbye now to pastime and play - Mozart
6. Je veux vivre - C Gounod
7. Teardrop Prelude Op 28 Chopin
8. Heavens are telling - J Haydn
9. Au fond du temple saint - G Bizet
10. Easter Hymn – P Mascagni
11. Now thank we all our God – J S Bach
12. Te Deum Prelude – M A Charpentier


Music for 3rd and 6th October 2010

3rd October Family Harvest Eucharist 10.15am
Setting:      Shephard 'Addington Service
Motets:     Thou visitest the earth - Maurice Greene
                   For the beauty of the earth - John Rutter
Voluntary: Nun Danket alle Gott - S. Kerg-Elert

6th October Choral Evensong 7.15pm
Responses:    Reading
Psalm:            32
Office Hymn: NEH 245
Canticles:       Harris in A minor
Anthem:         O Lorde, the maker of al thing - John Joubert


Choral Evensong, Wednesday, 29th September 2010 -- Michaelmas

Responses:  Ellis
Psalm:  138  Chant:  Forster in Bb (premiere)
Hymn: NEH 190 Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels  Tune NEH 220 ii
Canticles:  Harwood in Ab
Anthem:  Jubilate in C - Britten

This service is the last before the departure of Juhn Forster, Organ Scholar, to Braesnose College Oxford.  John has selected the music and written the chant for the psalm.
The choir will be conducted by Trinity's Director of Music Ian Wells and accompanied by  Prof. Ian Tracey


Communion Service to Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Ordination of Canon Norman Carter

there will be a Service of Celebration & Thanksgiving
to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Ordination of

Canon Norman Carter.

Communion Setting;  'The Mass of the Quiet Hour' - George Oldroyd

Hymns:  Ye Holy Angels Bright
              We have a gospel to proclaim
              O praise te the Lord
              Lord, for the years

Anthems:  How lovely are thy dwellings (Brahms)
                Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour (Words of St Thomas Aquinas)

Voluntary:  The Tuba Tune - C S Lang


Trinity Concert 10th October 2010

On Sunday, 10th October at 7pm in Church (Holy Trinity, Southport), the Church & Chapel Choirs will present this year's concert. 
The title Sing for Joy reflects the emotion we feel in performing the music we do here and we hope you will join in some of it with us. There will be a wide range of music and more details will be available nearer the time, but we can tell you that we shall be joined by Kirsteen Rogers, Soprano and Stuart Keen, Tenor. Professor Ian Tracey will again accompany us at the organ. 
It promises to be a quite splendid occasion. 
The Mayor of Sefton and her consort and the MP for Southport, Dr John Pugh, and his wife will be joining us for some really fine music and a lot of fun. 
Tickets are on sale in the Parish Centre this morning at £9 and £8 for concessions; these will include a glass of wine and some light refreshment. (or phone June & Bob Ball on 01704 568001) 
Proceeds are for Choir funds - primarily to support next year's singing week at Peterborough Cathedral. 


MC Scarlatti Mass For Four Voices 5 (Benedictus)